About The Big 50/50
The Big 50/50 was established in 2015 by a group of non-profit organizations in the Greater Saint John area that wanted to work together to raise money for their cause. In July of 2015 our first draw occured and we have been raising money for our community together ever since!
Saint John Y's Service Club
We are part of a worldwide fellowship dedicated to the support of local youth, our YMCA and your community. We offer our membership the opportunity to volunteer within their community to assist those less fortunate – locally and worldwide.
Make-a-Wish Canada
Make-a-Wish Canada is the largest and only all-Canadian wish granting charity dedicated to granting wishes to Canadian children between the ages of 3 and 17 who are diagnosed with a life-threatening illness. For more than 30 years, Children’s Wish has worked tirelessly to grant heartfelt wishes to more than 25,000 children and their families – that’s three wishes each and every day, all year long!
Brighten Group
We enhance the hospital experience for patients, families and staff at the Saint John Regional Hospital by fulfilling un-met needs for emotional support, physical comfort and medical care
Rotary Club of Rothesay-Kings
We are a diverse group of people with business and professional backgrounds united to provide “Service Above Self.” We make a difference in the lives of children, youth, and seniors in our community and around the world – and have done so for over 105 years! Sharing our skills and talents helps us to achieve our goals while demonstrating respect, fellowship, and fun.
Big Brothers Big Sisters
Big Brothers Big Sisters has a vision where all young people realize their full potential. Our mission is to enable life-changing mentoring relationships to ignite the power and potential of young people. We serve young people who face adversity and who are in need of an additional consistent and supportive developmental relationship. The impact of our programs involves measurable positive outcomes in the areas of Social Emotional Competence, Mental Health & Wellbeing, and Educational Engagement & Employment Readiness.
Rotary Club of Saint John
We are a diverse group of people with business and professional backgrounds united to provide “Service Above Self.” We make a difference in the lives of children, youth, and seniors in our community and around the world – and have done so for over 105 years! Sharing our skills and talents helps us to achieve our goals while demonstrating respect, fellowship, and fun.
Sea Dogs Foundation
We have two main missions. One is to provide scholarships to present and past Sea Dogs players to help them with their post secondary education during and after representing our city and the Sea Dogs organization. Secondly, the Foundation helps make life a little better to those in our community who are less fortunate. You, a family member or a neighbor may have benefited from the generosity of the Foundation over the years. We have contributed almost half a million dollars back to the community over the years.